Thursday, April 28, 2011

Crochet anyone?

Well I have a new hobby, Ok well it's not really new, I learned how to crochet in high school and then just forgot about it, until now!  What sparked this renewed interest you ask?  Well it's these cute little creatures called "amigurumi". Amigurumi are fun little crocheted or knitted stuffed animals. Which for those of you that know me, the mere fact that I'm even blogging about stuffed animals  should have scratching your head, because as you know I really don't like stuffed animals but these guys are just too cute and addicting!

 So these cute little guys are my first attempt at amigurumi.  The frog is definitely better than the elephant, but hey not bad considering I haven't crocheted for about oh 20 years!

So fast forward a bit, to Ry guy who is in love with the game Angry Birds, or as he calls it cranky birds wants his own cranky bird.  So off to google I go and I found a pattern and cranked out this cute but cranky little guy.

See I told you they were cute!  Now of course he wants the whole cranky bird family!  Better go get another bag of wonderfil!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My 5-10 Chair

WowZaa it's been awhile since my last post.  Hmm guess that thing called life just sort of took over :).  Amidst all the chaos I did get to do a little DIY home decorating.  Presenting my 5-10 chairs.  5 because they cost me $5 at a garage sale, yes that's $5 for BOTH chairs! And 10 for the 10 minutes it took me to recover them!  So here's the before...
 After a little Murphy's oil soap and me taking off the cushion and replacing it with some fabric I already had you get this...

Ta Da!

Look out! I have a staple gun and I'm not afraid to use it!  This is actually the wrong side of the fabric, but I liked it better!  And even better was the fact that I got this fabric for free!  I love that people know that I love to sew and if they ever have leftover fabric from anything, they give it to me ! Gotta love free stuff!